Monday, August 30, 2010


Some of these may leave you scratching your head in need of an explanation. But I ask you: Did Moses give an explanation? Just obey these commandments and thou shalt have a wonderful vacation!

1. Thou shalt not ask for a doggie bag in Italy nor will you "donate" your leftovers (no matter how good they look) to the hotel staff or the driver, or anyone.

2. Thou shalt know that Tuscany is a region, as there are 20 total in Italy. Florence is the principal city in Tuscany. You're not going to Tuscany from Florence. When you are in Florence you are in Tuscany. Oh and "Firenze" is Italian for Florence.

3. Thou shalt learn at the very least to correctly pronounce and use "Buongiorno" (good morning), "Per favore" (please), "Scusi" (excuse me), and "Grazie" (thank you) before your trip.

4. Thou shalt not ask for a "sconto" (discount) for imports less than €20.00 and then expect to use a credit card.

5. Thou shalt not exchange money from an "Exchange" booth as you will get ripped off. Instead, thou shalt exchange US$ before leaving the US, or use your ATM/credit card in Italy.

6. Thou shalt not bring flashy jewelry, cameras, designer luggage, and other bright, high-end fashion items that may attract people with shady intentions.

7. Thou shalt (if you're a single woman) not flirt with just about every guy in the piazza and then complain about the cat-calls and evident attention.

8. (In a restaurant) Thou shalt not ask for: grated Parmesan for your salad and/or pizza, extra sauce for your pasta, cappuccino after lunch or dinner. Thou shalt not ask for a "Bistecca fiorentina" (Florentine steak) as well-done.

9. Thou shalt not continuously compare Italy to the U.S.A. Italians are Italians, Americans are Americans, and Italian-Americans are Italian-Americans.

10. Thou shalt remember that Sunday is closing day in Italy. Many stores are closed, especially in less touristy areas. Usually stores also close (depending on season, region, and how the owner wakes up that day) from 1pm-3:30pm.

11. Thou shalt not be ripped off by Roman taxi drivers. International Fiumicino to the city of Rome is a flat rate of €40, up to 4 people (that means €40 in total, not per person).

Alright, I added an extra one.. but can you blame me? I now have spoken and thou shalt not forget!!

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